TRAINING & Services
Access Literacy provides training for schools using Literacy Essentials: The Journey from Spelling to Reading®.
Schedule a 4-day in-person literacy training for all new teachers and teachers who have taught this curriculum one year.
The training consists of four units scheduled over four 6-hour days. Please fill out a request form with your preferred dates.

We offer school visits for teacher observation with feedback, grade level teacher meetings and administrator consultations.
In general, site visits require two days: a day for observation and a day for feedback. Schools new to Literacy Essentials benefit greatly from receiving input early in the fall semester to be sure implementation is going smoothly and to establish best practices. We also recommend a second visit in the first year at the beginning of second semester. This visit aims to observe and support teachers as they now integrate all the literacy components. As well, we will observe and offer feedback to support intervention strategies for struggling students.

This is an option for on-line support.
virtual meetings during the school year to address implementation questions
professional development
coach teachers by grade level
consult student support services and intervention personnel
support administrators to oversee implementation and teacher oversight

Interested? For more information, fill out the form below to request a phone call to discuss your school’s training needs.