We offer:
As the authors of the curriculum and as former teachers, we offer training in teaching the Literacy Essentials program. In addition, we provide teacher observation and coaching to help establish best practices using the curriculum.
My Orthography Notebook is the student component to Literacy Essentials that is only sold by Access Literacy.
The reading program Literacy Essentials: The Journey From Spelling to Reading® was written for K-3.

Resources for teachers

As an elementary teacher one of your primary jobs is to teach a wide variety of students to be great readers, writers, and thinkers. With those skills your students can tackle any academic challenge! Yet many of us have not been trained sufficiently about how the English code works. We want to support you as you learn to teach literacy more effectively using Literacy Essentials. You will be integrating the components of literacy to teach the code from spelling - to writing - to reading. In the process you will help wire children’s brains for great thinking.

Coming alongside school leaders
As the leader of the journey for your school, we hope to come alongside you as you navigate the literacy map in K-3. It is our goal to help you gather all the resources your teachers need, provide training for you and your staff, supply you with rerouting directions when you or your teachers get lost, and act as a source of information when you have questions or concerns. Let us help guide the literacy journey at your school.

We're here to help parents, too!
We want to help you, as parents, sustain and encourage your child on a hopeful journey as they learn to spell, read and think well. The journey is not the same for every child, because every child’s brain is uniquely wired. However, every child’s journey can maximize their strengths and exercise their weaknesses on the road from spelling to reading. Let’s begin the journey together.
Have questions?
We have been working with school leaders, teachers and parents for more than 20 years. As a result, we have come across some recurring questions. We are certainly willing to answer your individual questions, but you may find the answer already available in the FAQ sections under Leader, Teacher or Parent.